Hypocrisy, cuteness and novelling/Ipocrisia, tenerezza e romanzamenti.

  • First, a bit of random cuteness:

    There are no words
  • I don’t know what it makes me to say this (liberal, left wing, right wing… baaaah to definitions), but I am so fed up of people harping on about how unfair it is that events in, say, Boston are more newsworthy that a bomb in Iraq. a) When were the news ever “fair” b) Yes it would be good if the whole world were just one nation, but it remains a basic fact of the human mind that the further away things are, the greater the number of dead has to be for us to care. I mean it was a very very basic journalistic rule I learnt about back in my college days, for Christ’s sake! How is that people are SO naive? And why am I, Mrs Naive, having to say this? c) It is far more serious to me that these very same people who think we should care so much about the plight of children in Iraq are the very first people who don’t give a damn that most of the families living a few houses for them for a whole neighbourhood are filled with children abused, abandoned, growing up full of rage and hatred that they will, understandably, one day shower upon other children, or middle class people so worried about the poor children in Iraq. The absurdity of this kind of reasoning is deafening to me. Care about as many people you can care about in your IMMEDIATE surroundings, people you can actually hope to have an effect on, or to do something about. Care about how plastic bags fly across the edge of the Cam and land in river and trees, clean up when you see rubbish in your local playground, be vigilant for children who may be abused in your own school, be caring and sensitive towards your friends and your family and people who just pass by your life. If you DO, you will make more difference in your life than reading fifty thousand newspapers about millions and trillions of injustices around the world that you have NO effect on. If everybody cared for at least one neighbour or random person in their life, the world would be a much, much, much better place. If you can make a difference to one person who then passes on that difference he or she received to one other person then the REAL changes occur, the real difference is made.

Here is a wonderful story my husband sent me that exemplifies this very very well: A real Good Samaritan

  • As I have no time whatsoever to read all the stuff I want to read, other people’s books, my own book to finish editing, and so on, and I barely have any free time to continue my translation about Pike Fishing, which I really want to get on with, I thought it’d be good to start a new writing challenge, my second novel. The first one was to be written in 30 days, and I did it. Thanks to a delightful and talented friend, it has even been re-read once. My next challenge is to write my second novel before my eyes start to properly wrinkle. Working title is “The Tale of Virginia Quirk”.
  • My husband is currently working on stuff so cool that it makes my eyes water, and I can’t wait till he can post some of it, as most of it is under contract to a publisher so he cannot show it yet… but the new stuff is fantastic and I think it’s amazing how he can learn new styles almost overnight. Keep an eye on his blog if you like pretty things and coarse language :). Plus he’s funnier than most concept artists.


  • Sono stufa di vedere qua e la’ e ovunque un sacco di gente che dice ah ma guarda tanto interesse per Boston e la Maratona e intanto mettono le bombe in Iraq e a nessuno frega nulla. Ancora ai tempi dell’Universita’ avevo imparato una delle leggi base del giornalismo: man mano che gli eventi e le disgrazie si allontanano, il numero di persone coinvolte deve ingrandirsi perché colpiscano l’interesse nostro. Insomma, nessuno ha mai detto che il sistema delle notizie sia “giusto”, ma perdirindina e’ la natura umana, non c’e’ nulla di strano! Ipocrisia a mille in questa Britannia borghese.
  • Ho deciso che anche se non ho tempo di leggere la maggior parte delle cose che vorrei leggere (almeno un paio di libri, romanzi, notizie, blog, eccetera), ne’ di editare il mio libro, scritto in 30 giorni, ne’ di andare avanti al ritmo che vorrei con la traduzione del libro sulla pesca dei lucci, voglio iniziare a scriver eil mio secondo romanzo, e completarlo prima che le rughe degli occhi si manifestino sul serio. Titolo provvisorio “La Storia di Virginia Quirk”.
  • Mio marito sta lavorando su roba cosi figa che mi fa lacrimare gli occhi, e non vedo l’ora che possa postarne un po’, visto che la maggior parte e’ sotto contratto con un editore e quindi non può ancora mostrarla…. ma la roba nuova e’ fantastica e trovo incredibile come sappia imparare nuovi stili quasi da un giorno all’altro. tenete d’occhio il suo blog se volete essere deliziati da cose belle e da un linguaggio rozzo :). Inoltre e’ più divertente della maggior parte dei concept artists.
  • Infine, un po’ di tenerezza random assoluta:

Non ci sono parole

One thought on “Hypocrisy, cuteness and novelling/Ipocrisia, tenerezza e romanzamenti.

  1. i wouldnt go as far as calling them hypocrits. I think they really care, of that warm, abstract, improductive caring of those that choose prayers as a way to solve problems.


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